Click on a service area below to learn more about how Dagenhart Consulting Services can help you.
Expert Witness and Litigation Services
DCS personnel have investigated over 600 accidents related to utility lines and equipment, utility infrastructure, and connected user equipment, including electrical contact accidents, structure failure, equipment failure, and fires. John Dagenhart has been recognized as an expert witness by state and federal courts and regulatory since 1989.
DCS analyzes engineering methods, designs, and procedures related to electric power and communication utility systems and customer installations.
Standards Review
Personnel from DCS are experienced in reviewed utility company design standards for compliance with the NESC. This can be done either for individual standard sheets or for entire standards documents. Feedback will be given regarding compliance with the current edition of the NESC or the edition in effect as adopted by that utility’s public service commission. DCS has a completed library of NESC standards and interpretations.